Ask NAN blog
Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.
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Having a “Senior Moment:” Is It Aging, or Alzheimer’s?
Most of the time, “senior moments” are just that, moments that will pass and not amount to anything more serious. Here a guide to when you should be more concerned.
The Benefits of Socializing
People who socially connect with others have improved brain function, such as better memory, and are less likely to develop dementia than those who are more socially isolated. Here are some tips for increasing social engagment.
Tips for When Your Loved One Doesn’t Recognize They’re at Home
Your loved one may not recognize the home where they’ve lived for many years, or perhaps they’ve just moved into your home, or a facility. In either scenario, it can be upsetting if they start asking to “go home.” Here’s how to cope.
Keeping Your Personal Relationships Strong While Caregiving
The stresses of caregiving can cause significant strains on a marriage or any other relationship. Here’s how to keep stress at bay and keep your personal relationships healthy.
Tips for Visiting Your Loved One in a Facility
Visiting your loved one in a facility has its joys, but it can also have its challenges. Here is some guidance.
Supporting Your Loved One Through the Transition to Assisted Living
When moving to an assisted living facililty your loved one will be faced with enormous change and the loss of a familiar place they once called home. Here’s how to help ease the transition.
Difficult Conversations: Discussing the Need for a Move
None of us know for sure when our loved one will need more supervision and care, but we know it will happen eventually. Therefore it makes sense to discuss with your loved one the potential need for moving, long before such a move is needed. Here is some guidance.
Navigating Alzheimer’s and Oral Health
We all know that going to the dentist is good for us, and in the end, we are glad we have gone. But it can be an unpleasant, even scary experience for some people. So, imagine how maintaining good dental health, including dental visits, can be a challenge for your loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s. Here are some tips.
¿Por dónde empezar?
Como nuevo cuidador de un ser querido con la enfermedad de Alzheimer, sin duda existen preocupaciones sobre lo que este diagnóstico significa para su ser querido. Pero lo más probable es que también tenga preguntas sobre lo que significa este diagnóstico para usted y su familia. A continuación te explicamos cómo empezar.
¿Qué significan las 7 etapas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer?
Conocer las etapas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer ayuda a los cuidadores a predecir qué tipo de comportamientos esperar en su ser querido, así como a prepararse para los cambios que están por venir.
Dormir para Combatir el Estrés
La calidad del sueño de una persona está fuertemente relacionada con su salud física, cognitiva y emocional en general, y la falta de sueño es una de las principales quejas de los cuidadores. Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre cómo obtener un sueño de calidad.
Mi ser Querido Sigue Repitiendo las Mismas Preguntas Una y Otra Vez. ¿Cómo Debo Lidiar con Eso?
Es muy común que las personas que tienen problemas con su memoria se confundan y se dediquen a hacer preguntas repetitivas una y otra vez hasta el punto de ser irritantes para familiares y amigos. Estas son algunas sugerencias para sobrellevar la situación.
Encontrando el Gozo en Cuidador un Cuidador Familiar
El reto al que se enfrentan los cuidadores familiares es aprender a aceptar, a vivir en el momento presente y a dejar ir las cosas que no se pueden controlar. Esto es un desafío, sin duda, pero si puede haber alguna alegría en el cuidado, aquí es donde está.
Is Alzheimer’s Hereditary?
A so-called “family history” is not always associated with developing the disease — it is likely a combination of genetic, other medical, and lifestyle risk factors.
¿Deberíamos probar los medicamentos para la enfermedad de Alzheimer?
Con cualquier medicamento nuevo, es fundamental pensar en los beneficios potenciales, así como en los posibles efectos secundarios. Dado que actualmente no existe ningún fármaco que cure la enfermedad, lo último que queremos hacer es reducir la calidad de vida del paciente con efectos secundarios.
Protecting Yourself and Your Loved One Against Fraud and Scams
It’s a sad reality that we all must be on guard every day to protect ourselves from fraud and scams. Frauds and scams come in a wide variety of flavors and trends, and can be very creative in how they draw us in. In most cases these scams prey on our fears and try to prompt us to pay out of fear. Here’s how to protect yourself.
Common Frauds and Scams
Here is a list of common ruses that attempt to cheat you out of private information and financial assets.
How to Help Your Loved One Cope with the Loss of a Pet
How you help your loved one cope with the death of a pet will vary depending upon their stage of memory loss and their ability to understand what has occurred. Keep in mind their illness may impact the way they express emotions or want to be comforted. Here are some tips to consider.
A Guide to Touring and Choosing an Assisted Living Facility
When choosing an assisted living facility, research and guidance from a placement advisor are valuable, but it’s still important to take a tour in person. This allows you to see things firsthand and begin to make connections to the facility staff who will be caring for your loved one. Here’s a guide.
Common Challenges in Eating and Appetite and How to Address Them
Here are a nutritionist’s favorite tips that caregivers can use to manage the common challenges in their loved one’s appetite and eating habits.
Start your journey with NAN
Schedule a consultation to discuss the needs of your aging loved one.