How to Help Your Loved One Cope with the Loss of a Pet


There is no specific roadmap on how to navigate losing a beloved pet companion.


Losing a cherished pet is significant for any animal lover. Just as with grieving the loss of a person, there is no specific roadmap on how to navigate this journey when a long-time companion is gone.

How you help your loved one cope will vary depending upon their stage of memory loss, and their ability to understand what has occurred. Keep in mind their illness may impact the way they express emotions or want to be comforted. Here are some tips to consider; remember, C.A.L.M, is key:

Comfort: Be a safe place for your loved one to express themselves.

It may seem obvious, but hugs and the simple act of physically being present for a loved one can be very soothing. Tears are a natural and healthy response that provide not only a physical but a much-needed emotional release. Providing comforting words is a natural response, but keep in mind it’s also alright to sit quietly together. Consider putting on some soothing music or using aroma therapy for these quiet times.

Activity: Help them stay active.

Just as tears are an outlet, activities can help one cope with a loss. What has your loved one done in the past to deal with a loss? Do they have any traditions they like to implement, such as a celebration of life? Would creating a photo album and reflecting on how they provided a loving and wonderful life for their beloved pet be therapeutic? Consider visits with a friend or family member that has a pet. Not everyone looks to bring in a new addition to the family, but your loved one might want to maintain a connection with animals. If your loved one is in the advanced stages of memory loss, they might enjoy a robotic pet. Keep in mind that activities don’t all have to evolve around animals; exercise is another great and healthy self-care option.

Laughter: Think happy distractions!

Does music or dancing bring you loved one joy? Are there funny movies or television shows that are guaranteed to bring out the belly laughs? Or maybe it’s reminiscing about all the funny antics their beloved pet got in to over the years while you enjoy your loved one’s favorite snack together.

Memory: How’s their memory?

Keep in mind, your loved one’s level of memory loss and emotional status should factor into your approach. There is no specific way to grieve, and just as one’s memory can vary from day to day, so can coping mechanisms. For loved ones who easily forget they have lost a beloved pet, it is often best to move on relatively quickly and not reintroduce the fact of the passing repeatedly.

For loved ones who seem significantly impacted by the loss of a pet, focus on the strategies above to help them move their mind to other more pleasant topics. It’s a bit of trial and error to see what your loved responds to best. If one approach causes more distress don’t be discouraged, move on to another, knowing that your heart in in the right place.


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