Ask NAN blog
Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.
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Consejos para Prevenir Las Caídas
Se pueden prevenir muchas caídas. Al realizar algunos cambios, puede reducir las posibilidades de caerse. A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos de los Centros de Control de Enfermedades sobre cómo prevenir caídas.
Lista de prevención para caídas
Aquí hay una lista de verificación de acciones que puede tomar para reducir las caídas de su ser querido.
Nueve sencillos hábitos que pueden aumentar tu capacidad cerebral
Las investigaciones sugieren que hay cosas que usted y su ser querido pueden hacer para aumentar su capacidad intelectual. Esto incluye ejercicio regular, interacción social y una dieta saludable.
Ejercicios en la silla
Mejora tu flexibilidad, fuerza y salud cardiovascular, ¡todo mientras estás sentado!
The Mind Diet: Meal Planning to Fuel the Brain
The MIND diet is associated with a slower rate of cognitive decline and a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Here's a guide.
How to Combine the MIND Diet and the Diabetic Diet
Even if you have diabetes, there are ways to work the MIND diet, which is has been shown to lower the risk of mental decline, into your meal plan. Here’s how.
If Your Loved One Wanders
While having your loved one wandering around the house might be challenging to you as a caregiver, it’s not necessarily unsafe. However, some wandering can be dangerous, including going into areas of the house such as stairwells, decks, hot tubs, or swimming pools. Also dangerous is your loved one leaving the house, yard, or property alone. To address the challenges of your loved one wandering, you can try some of these tactics.
Staying Safe in the Sunshine
When you live in a place as beautiful as Florida, being outdoors is appealing. It is the Sunshine state after all. But as usual…too much of a good thing can be bad for us. And the sun is no exception. The risk of developing skin cancer is directly related to sun exposure over the years.
Get Ready: Hurricane Preparedness
The months of June, July and August mean months of heat, humidity -- and hurricanes! -- and present potential risks. But as your mother always said, “An ounce of prevention…”
Beating the Heat
As summer temperatures climb into the 90s, older people are in danger of conditions caused by extreme heat, such as dehydration and hyperthermia, which can lead to heat exhaustion and its most serious form, heat stroke.
How to Stay Hydrated
About 60% of your body is made up of water. All systems in your body rely on water to function properly. Not having enough water in your body can reduce your energy and make you feel tired and dizzy, and can harm your kidney function. Here’s how to stay hydrated.
Nine Simple Habits That Can Boost Your Brain Power
Research suggests that there are things that you and your loved one can do to boost your brainpower. This includes regular exercise, social interaction, and a healthy diet.
Chair Exercises for Fitness
Improve your flexibility, strength and cardiovascular health, all while seated!
Stay Sharp!
We all know there are changes to every part of the body as we age, including the brain. Here are some key lifestyle habits and activities you do to keep your brain healthy as you age.
Start your journey with NAN
Schedule a consultation to discuss the needs of your aging loved one.