Stay Sharp!


We all know there are changes to every part of the body as we age. The brain is no exception. 

Fortunately, medical researchers have identified some key lifestyle habits and activities you can start now that have been shown to keep your brain healthy as you age.  The strategies are listed in order of magnitude of potential benefit. If you’ve got only 30 minutes, take a walk! 

  1. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise...the BODY! 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day keeps blood flowing to the brain to keep cells healthy,  may even encourage new cells, and can help elevate mood (See #5!). 

  2. Stop smoking! 

  3. Keep track of these key health indicators: Blood pressure, weight, and body mass index, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar. These are typically measured at an annual wellness exam so don’t skip it. 

  4. Eat for your MIND! The MIND and Mediterranean diets have been shown to reduce cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s progression. 

  5. Find a Friend. Research is clear that people with friends live happier, healthier, and longer lives. Stay connected and engaged. Pen pals, anyone?

  6. Relax! A calm blue ocean is where it’s at. The brain is healthiest and most productive when it isn’t under the effects of the emotional stresses of either depression or anxiety

  7. Listen up! Emerging evidence suggests our brains will age more slowly if we can keep hearing the world around us. At the first sign of hearing loss, head for an evaluation.

  8. Sleep for Seven….hours that is!

Please talk with your own/loved one’s healthcare provider before using any of this information. 


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