Ask NAN blog
Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.
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Building your Caregiving Mental Health Toolkit
As a caregiver, you need a host of tools to help you cope and maintain your mental health. Here’s your toolkit.
Establecer Límites como Cuidador
Como cuidador, es esencial que siga comprometido con sus límites personales, asegurándose de darse tiempo y espacio para abordar sus necesidades personales de descanso, relajación y satisfacción. Esta base para un autocuidado positivo es vital para mejorar su bienestar. Aquí se explica cómo hacerlo.
Cómo ayudar a su ser querido a disfrutar la temporada navideña
El caos, la emoción y la alegría típicos de la temporada navideña pueden resultar abrumadores para alguien con la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Pero con un poco de planificación por adelantado, puede hacer que las reuniones navideñas sean más placenteras y menos estresantes para todos los involucrados.
Setting Boundaries as a Caregiver
As a caregiver, it is essential that you remain committed to your personal boundaries, making sure that you give yourself time and space to address your personal needs for rest, relaxation, and fulfillment. This foundation for positive self-care is vital in improving your well-being. Here’s how to do it.
The Importance of Tears
As caregivers, it is especially important not to suppress our feelings. The caregiving journey can be filled with sadness, frustration, and grief. Shedding tears is a natural and healthy response to those emotions. Tears benefit people in numerous ways, including helping to detoxify the body. Find out more about the importance of tears.
How to Help Your Loved One Enjoy the Holiday Season
The typical chaos, excitement, and joy of the holiday season can be overwhelming for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. But with a little planning ahead, you can make holiday gatherings more enjoyable and less stressful for all involved.
Enjoying the Holiday Season as a Caregiver
During the holiday season it is crucial for caregivers to make time to take care of themselves. Here is some guidance for your self-care during the holidays, and a link to a worksheet that can help you organize your thoughts and plan.
A Workbook for Planning Your Self-Care During the Holiday Season
During the busy and sometimes stressful holiday season, it is crucial for caregivers to make time to take care of themselves. Here is a workbook to help you think through and plan your self-care during the holidays.
Caregiver Burnout: How to Cope
Caregiving for someone suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and it comes with a risk of what is known as “Caregiver Burnout.” With caregiver burnout, you are in a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that may also be coupled with a change in your attitude towards your caregiving role, from one of positive, caring, and rewarding to one of feeling negative, unconcerned, and resentful.
Start your journey with NAN
Schedule a consultation to discuss the needs of your aging loved one.