Ask NAN blog

Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.

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Care for Caregivers NAN admin Care for Caregivers NAN admin

Understanding Clinging and Shadowing

For caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders (ADRD), clinging and shadowing behaviors happen more often than not over the course of a day. Being followed everywhere and being repeatedly interrupted when trying to complete a task is a common source of frustration for many caregivers of loved ones with ADRD.

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Emotional Well-Being William Allman Emotional Well-Being William Allman

Is My Loved One Depressed?

As Alzheimer's disease changes an individual's ability to remember and think, it can also change the ability to control emotion. Up to 40 percent of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease will also suffer from significant depression. Since your loved one may be unable to articulate their feelings, family caregivers may be called on to help identify symptoms of depression. The Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia can help in this situation.

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Medical Health NAN admin Medical Health NAN admin

Staying Safe in the Sunshine

When you live in a place as beautiful as Florida, being outdoors is appealing. It is the Sunshine state after all. But as usual…too much of a good thing can be bad for us. And the sun is no exception. The risk of developing skin cancer is directly related to sun exposure over the years.

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Medical Health NAN admin Medical Health NAN admin

Beating the Heat

As summer temperatures climb into the 90s, older people are in danger of conditions caused by extreme heat, such as dehydration and hyperthermia, which can lead to heat exhaustion and its most serious form, heat stroke.

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Medical Health NAN admin Medical Health NAN admin

How to Stay Hydrated

About 60% of your body is made up of water. All systems in your body rely on water to function properly. Not having enough water in your body can reduce your energy and make you feel tired and dizzy, and can harm your kidney function. Here’s how to stay hydrated.

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Legal & Financial Goals NAN admin Legal & Financial Goals NAN admin

Caregiver’s Plan B

No family caregiver wants to think they wouldn't be able to help their loved one, but the chance that something could happen to you that would make it impossible for you to provide the care support you do now makes it critical you identify an individual who is the best “Plan B” caregiver, able to quickly take over as advocate and guardian for your Loved One in the event that is needed.

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NAN admin NAN admin

Please be patient cards

With Alzheimer’s, your Loved One may behave inappropriately in public, such as making up stories, saying unusual things, being “too friendly” with strangers, or displaying embarrassing behaviors. That’s where “Please be patient!” cards can come in handy.

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