Introduction to the NAN Caregiver’s Log – Finding and Understanding Triggers

We've discussed that Alzheimer's disease will lead to changes in your loved one's ability to think and how they show emotions and interact with others. At times these changes create distress in your loved one, strain in their relationships, and increased stress for you. While it is not always possible to eliminate these issues it can be worth the effort to try to understand why they are happening. 

If we find specific circumstances are contributing to the problem, called "triggers," sometimes there are adjustments we can make that can help reduce the distress they cause. We have created the "NAN Caregiver's Log" to help you identify triggers. 

Below are examples from real situations other caregivers have faced. In each case, the NAN Caregiver's Log allowed identification of "triggers." From there, targeted strategies follow. As you use the NAN Caregiver's Log, realize it may not be the first strategy you choose that solves the problem, but at least you are targeting the real problem!

Your loved one has trouble falling asleep and then keeps you awake too. 


Using the Caregivers' Log, you uncover the worst nights when your loved one doesn't have his usual workout in the afternoon but instead takes a long nap.  


  • Identify ways to keep up a daily exercise routine. 

  • Monitor afternoon naps to no more than 60 minutes.  


Your loved one seems to have mood swings for no rhyme or reason. 


Using the NAN Caregiver's Log, you identify the most bothersome mood swings happen most often at two specific times:

  1. Just before dinner and

  2. After phone calls with a beloved friend who innocently tells her, "she's ok and the doctors must be wrong"


  1. Add a healthy high-protein afternoon snack or adjust dinner time

  2. Speak with her friend. Ensure her friend knows you highly value the calls but explain the impact and give her some optional topics to discuss. 

Your NAN Navigator can help with this potentially tricky conversation.

For any mood or behavior you are concerned about, plan to spend at minimum 3 days and up to 7 days observing and collecting your thoughts.  Use the NAN Caregiver’s Log to keep track of the details. From there its easier to come up with some strategies to reduce or eliminate these difficulties.

You can fill it out online and save a copy in your files or print it and fill it out by hand - whichever is easier for you. Feel free to send this to your NAN Navigator or save to use in your next session.


Steps for Safe and Effective Medication Management


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