Ask NAN blog

Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.

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Medical Health NAN admin Medical Health NAN admin

Alzheimer's disease and Care at the End-of-Life

As an Alzheimer's caregiver, you have been asked to live the “long good-bye” – watching your loved one slowly being lost as their mind moves through its relentless decline. Once the disease progresses towards the “severe” or “late” stage, physical decline begins to take over and further reduce your loved one’s abilities. Your role at this time has never been more important, as you need to ensure that your loved one’s death is free of pain and excess suffering.

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Social Engagement NAN admin Social Engagement NAN admin

Keep a Daily Journal

Journaling has shown to provide relief from grief and anger, reduce depression, improve self-care, and enhance relationships when used with adults in mental healthcare settings. Here’s how to encourage your loved one to start.

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