Pack the Protein


As we age the adage you are what you eat becomes more and more important. Since the aging process leads to losses of muscle and bone, we can counteract that a bit if we maintain good protein intake. In fact, while younger adults should consume 15% of their total calories each day as protein, older adults should aim for 20%. (Please verify this with your personal physician. Some medical illnesses, especially of the liver and kidneys, can change these recommendations considerably.)

  • 1200 cal/ day = 240 cal /4 = 60 grams protein

  • 1500 cal/day =300/4 = 75 grams protein

Some tried and true strategies to add protein to your day: 


  • Carnation Instant Breakfast add to milk of any type or to cereal

  • Add powdered/dry milk to milk

  • High-protein milk can be prepared by mixing 1 cup of nonfat milk powder into every quart of whole milk

  • Use High-protein milk for cereals, scrambled eggs, soups, mashed potatoes, sauces, gravies, and casseroles.

  • Add low-fat cheese to sauces, soups, or vegetables.

  • Add eggs to tuna, salads, seafood, pastas, sauces, or casseroles.

  • Eat cottage cheese or yogurt  - especially Greek yogurt or Skyr - with fruit. 

Non-meat/Plant sources

  • If you avoid eating meat, try adding other sources of protein -- tofu, or cooked or canned beans (black and kidney) -- to casseroles, pastas, rice dishes, and salads.

Lean Meats and Seafood

  • Add lean and non-breaded meat (beef, chicken, and pork) to soups, casseroles, pasta dishes, or vegetables.

  • Non-breaded Shrimp, Herring,  Salmon and Tuna, other Fish

Nuts, Beans, Legumes

  • Try peanut butter on apples, bananas, bread, celery, French toast, graham crackers, pears, vanilla wafers, and waffles.

  • Add nuts to foods or eat them as snacks. Pistachios and Almonds top most lists for overall nutrition.

  • Don't forget about flax seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans, and other nuts and seeds.

  • Add beans, peas, and other legumes to salads. Garbanzos are a great addition!

Other Protein sources

  • Drink a liquid supplement such as, Ensure, Sustacal, or Boost between meals, or add to breakfast drink mixes, or to milk or shakes.

Please talk with your own/loved one’s healthcare provider before using any of this information. 

Related article: Snack Ideas


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