Make the Most of the Holidays!
There are many challenges to consider in the upcoming holiday season. But with a little preparation and awareness, you can make it a holiday that everyone, including your loved one, will enjoy.
Dear Caregivers,
For a long time, I found it irritating that no sooner had I put my fork down on my Thanksgiving dinner plate that holiday decorations sprang up all over shops and malls around town, complete with carols pouring out from speakers overhead. Can’t they give us a little break before the next holiday?
But now I look at it with a different point of view. Sure, the holiday season is over-commercialized, and I still find that a little irritating. But that minor irritation is vastly overtaken by my deep sense that the winter holidays are a time of celebration, appreciation, joy, and gratitude ― and no amount of annoying mall decorations are going to take that away from me!
After all, life is way too brief for all of us, and I believe that the coming of winter, followed by the rebirth of spring, is a wonderful, powerful reminder of the cycles of life that we all go through. And this holiday season is our way of celebrating that core essence of life itself.
So, this season, I’m leaning into the joy and celebration of the holidays. To be sure, for caregivers of a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia, these times bring a suite of new challenges. But with a little advanced planning, and a lot of focus on the meaning of the celebration, rather than on the mundane trappings of the local mall, you can make it a fulfilling time for you and your loved one.
Here is some guidance on how to make the most of the upcoming holiday season:
How to Help Your Loved One Enjoy the Holiday Season:
The typical chaos, excitement, and joy of the holiday season can be overwhelming for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. But with a little planning ahead, you can make holiday gatherings more enjoyable and less stressful for all involved. Here’s how.
Traveling with Your Loved One:
Holiday travel can be an especially challenging activity for your loved one. Still, with careful planning and consideration, you can make the journey safe and comfortable for you and your loved one. Here are some tips.
Enjoying the Holiday Season as a Caregiver:
During the holiday season it is crucial for caregivers to make time to take care of themselves. Here is some guidance for your self-care during the holidays, with a link to a worksheet that can help you organize your thoughts and plan.
Remember, if you can’t find the information you need on our website, you can always “Ask NAN” by clicking on this link.
Rosemary D Laird, MD, MHSA
Founder and Chief Medical Officer
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual”
— Henry David Thoreau