Ask NAN blog
Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.
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Strategies for Medication Safety
Medication safety involves two key areas that need to be monitored closely: First, is the medication safe? And second, how difficult is it to add into your daily routine?
Understanding Stages and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia
While Alzheimer's disease develops slowly over many years and every person has a unique path through the illness, there are some common symptoms. These collections of symptoms have been grouped into various stages of disease progression.
Understanding Dementia
The normal process of the aging mind is very different from the group of illnesses called dementia, a group of brain diseases in which brain function is significantly declined.
Caregiving for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes
Caring for someone with both diabetes and dementia care is a difficult task. Here are some of the steps you can take to help a loved one with these conditions.
A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
While each person’s journey through Alzheimer’s is unique, most people experience some common symptoms in a similar progression. Understanding these common symptoms for Early-Stage Alzheimer’s (FAST Stage 3) can help you and your loved one cope with the changes.
A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Mild-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
While each person’s journey through Alzheimer’s is unique, most people experience some common symptoms in a similar progression. Understanding these common symptoms for Mild-Stage Alzheimer’s (FAST Stage 4) can help you and your loved one cope with the changes.
A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Moderate-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
While each person’s journey through Alzheimer’s is unique, most people experience some common symptoms in a similar progression. Understanding these common symptoms for Moderate-Stage Alzheimer’s (FAST Stage 5-6) can help you and your loved one cope with the changes.
Alzheimer's disease and Care at the End-of-Life
As an Alzheimer's caregiver, you have been asked to live the “long good-bye” – watching your loved one slowly being lost as their mind moves through its relentless decline. Once the disease progresses towards the “severe” or “late” stage, physical decline begins to take over and further reduce your loved one’s abilities. Your role at this time has never been more important, as you need to ensure that your loved one’s death is free of pain and excess suffering.
Fall Risk Reduction Checklist
Here is a checklist of actions you can take to reduce falls by your loved one.
How Many Medications are Too Many?
As we get older the likelihood we will take a medication or supplement increases. Here are three main questions to ask about the medications you take.
Pack the Protein
As we age, the adage ‘you are what you eat’ becomes more and more important. Here are some tried and true strategies to add protein to your day.
Tips For Preventing Falls
Many falls can be prevented. By making some changes, you can lower your chances of falling. Here are some tips from the Centers of Disease Control on how to prevent falls.
Stay Sharp!
We all know there are changes to every part of the body as we age, including the brain. Here are some key lifestyle habits and activities you do to keep your brain healthy as you age.
Start your journey with NAN
Schedule a consultation to discuss the needs of your aging loved one.