Ask NAN blog
Teachings and tips for family caregivers navigating the needs of their aging loved one.
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Conversaciones Difíciles: Asuntos Legales
El desafortunado resultado final del deterioro del Alzheimer se produce cuando su ser querido ya no es capaz de tomar decisiones de forma independiente sobre su cuidado o sus posesiones personales. Esta incompetencia requiere que se asigne a otra persona para que defienda, hable y tome decisiones en su nombre. Aquí se explica cómo configurarlo.
Difficult Conversations: Legal Affairs
The unfortunate end-result of the decline from Alzheimer’s comes when your loved one is no longer capable of independently making decisions about their care or personal possessions. This incompetence requires someone else to be assigned to advocate, speak, and make decisions on their behalf. Here’s how to set that up.
Difficult Conversations: Financial Affairs
Even in the most loving families, money is often a taboo subject of conversation, especially between parents and their adult children. Unfortunately, when Alzheimer’s disease is progressing there are many ways financial affairs can become problematic. Here are some strategies for beginning that important but often difficult conversation.
Choosing an Elder Law or Finance Expert
Sometimes having legal or financial expertise can be helpful in making important decisions. Here’s how to find and choose an Elder Law or Financial Expert.
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