Dr. Rosemary Laird

From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD

Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC

Coping with Family Dynamics
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Coping with Family Dynamics

When a loved one is stricken with Alzheimer’s, the dynamics of a family can undergo big changes. As the challenges and responsibilities of caregiving grow deeper, already-existing tensions between some members of a family can increase, particularly if one or more family members feel that they are shouldering a greater part of the burden. Here are a few tips on how to manage family dynamics:

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Stay in Touch!
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Stay in Touch!

Maintaining communication is critically important. Because of the changes of Alzheimer's, sometimes your loved one can seem like they are a billion miles away when you try to get through to them. By adhering to a few basic guidelines, however, you can keep the critical lines of communication open.

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