03: Building Caregiver Confidence - Part 1: Managing Stress and Getting Help

In this presentation (Part I) we will discuss the stressful challenge of family caregiving and help you recognize how stress may be impacting your day-to-day life. As you’ll see, one crucial key to having Caregiver Confidence is recognizing stress and understanding how to manage it. Another area we will cover is how important it is for caregivers to be willing to ask for help – for both you and your loved one. If you don’t have time to watch this presentation, we hope you can find time to at least listen while you’re doing something else—like going for a walk or doing the dishes. Enjoy!

Below are information sheets referenced in and related to Managing Stress and Getting Help:

Click on either image below to view, print or download the PDF.


02: Beneficial Communication Practices for Caregivers


03: Building Caregiver Confidence - Part 2: Developing Stress-Resilient Habits