From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD
Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC
Spring Forward!
Conceived of by Ben Franklin as a way to economize on candle burning, and first implemented nationally by Germany to save energy during World War I, the soon-to-arrive annual transition to Daylights Saving Time (DST) has been a controversial part of American life for more than half a century. For a caregiver treating a loved one with Alzheimer’s the drawbacks of the time shift can be even worse.
Let’s Get Physical!
Scores of studies and decades of research has shown that physical activity is one of the best “medicines” for overall wellbeing that is available. Here’s how to start.
Coping With Global Crisis
Here are some strategies to help you reduce stress and maintain emotional well-being while experiencing a world of trouble.
Seeing the Light
As a caregiver, it’s often hard to actively seek out the flashes of pleasure and joy that come from your everyday efforts. However, if you are able to relax and open yourself to opportunities, those wonderful moments will come to you.
There’s No Place Like Home
For our loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the familiarity of home can hold added importance. The routine of daily home activities can bring them a sense of comfort and calm. Here are some tips for helping create a sense of routine.
Your Greatest Hits!
Looking at the top 10 articles for 2002 — the “greatest hits” of the year — I can see some very positive patterns emerging among your interests. In turn, these patterns will help guide us in creating even more content in these areas in the future. Here are a few highlights from the most-viewed articles of 2022.
Back to the Basics!
I love the times of celebration, but I now find myself relishing the idea of life getting back to a somewhat normal schedule again as we head into the new year. It is a good time to focus on those fundamental areas where our loved ones might need some extra help.
Navigating Holiday Travel
In today’s America, with families spread out all over the country, holiday celebrations can be challenging as you and your loved one may have to travel to join the celebration. But with the right planning and precautions, you can navigate these journeys with a "happy holidays" outcome. Here are some steps to consider.
Take Care of Yourself!
The holiday season can be a heartwarming time of joy with the gathering of friends and family. But it’s not without its challenges: One guest is a vegan and so has dietary restrictions; another brings a toddler who wanders underfoot; another guest needs transportation to the airport. And so on. We adapt and accommodate these challenges because they are labors of love. Remember, however: While during this holiday season you will no doubt do much for others ― you absolutely need to do something for yourself, too!
We Hear You!
Based on your great input, we've created some new offerings on that include tips for dealing with sleep disturbances, suggestions for activities for people with hampered vision, and recommended local services that may be able to help you with a variety of tasks.