Dr. Rosemary Laird

From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD

Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC

Keeping Your Identity
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Keeping Your Identity

Sometimes it seems that the world is changing so quickly that you feel like your head is swimming and you are losing your sense of balance. Any transition can be unnerving, and that is particularly true for people caring for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. 

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Resolve to Make Better Resolutions!
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Resolve to Make Better Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone! Though it is really just another day on the calendar, New Year’s always inspires in me a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. And of course, it’s a time-honored tradition to make one or more resolutions for the new year. 

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Let's Get Personal
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Let's Get Personal

You may have heard talk during the COVID pandemic about the risks we face from social isolation. As a caregiver of a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s, you no doubt have had multiple hurdles in trying to maintain your personal life and interacting with your social community.

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Labors of Love
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Labors of Love

Caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia work as much as 40 hours a week caring for their loved one, nearly 30% more time than caregivers tending to people who do not have dementia. A 2019 study found that family caregivers provided more than 18 billion hours of unpaid care to loved ones with dementia, and a 2023 study estimated that the unpaid hours caring for loved ones with dementia could be valued at $346 billion.

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Going for the Gold!
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Going for the Gold!

Every Olympic season, I marvel at the sheer majesty and perfection of the human body as the athletes run, swim, and hurdle through space during the Games. The feats of athleticism, for which these competitors have trained all their lives, is truly inspirational.

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