From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD
Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC

Coping With Global Crisis
Here are some strategies to help you reduce stress and maintain emotional well-being while experiencing a world of trouble.

Getting Over Bumps In The Road
Getting over a road bump requires a new approach to your current situation.

Embrace the Changes!
In a world where the only thing that keeps constant is change itself, coping with change requires cultivating a set of behaviors that help you stay strong as you navigate that change.

You Year. New You!
It’s a tradition in the new year that many people make resolutions, but I’d like to recommend that you try something new this year: Try to start several “micro-habits.”

Let's Count Our Blessings!
Counting blessings may seem counterintuitive, given all you and your loved one have been going through this year and the uncertainty of the future. But surely, we are all blessed with this miracle of life, family, and community, which Alzheimer’s impacts, but cannot destroy.

Take Time to Celebrate!
Caregivers must learn to reinvent themselves continually, and adapt the challenges facing them on a daily basis. But you also have to take the time, and make the effort, to celebrate the small accomplishments that occur for you and your loved one daily.