From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD
Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC

Listen Up!
For a caregiver, listening is a critically important skill that you need to develop, hone, and employ every day.

Stay in Touch!
Maintaining communication is critically important. Because of the changes of Alzheimer's, sometimes your loved one can seem like they are a billion miles away when you try to get through to them. By adhering to a few basic guidelines, however, you can keep the critical lines of communication open.

How to Find Your Way
Being in unknown terrain can result in unpleasant surprises That’s why it’s handy to have a roadmap at hand for the journey ahead.

How To Better Communicate
For caregivers, communication is critical to your loved one’s health and wellbeing. It is important that you make sure you have a clear means of passing along information, comfort, and encouragement to your loved one. But you also need to serve as the centerpiece of your loved one’s caregiving universe, gathering and coordinating information from doctors and other healthcare experts, service providers, and others in your loved one’s caregiving “village”.

Communicating with Your Caregiving Village
It is important to effectively communicate with healthcare professionals, outside experts, and helpers you rely on to give your loved one the best possible care along this journey.