From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD
Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC

When the Heavens Align
Next Monday millions of Americans will get a rare treat: Around midday, the sky will briefly go completely dark. The stars will come out, birds will start singing, and insects will be chirping. They will be experiencing a total solar eclipse. The dancing spheres in the heavens can serve as an inspiration to caregivers everywhere to reflect on the importance of getting alignment in their daily lives.

Health Injustice
Caregivers for minority patients suffering from Alzheimer’s are further burdened by structural issues in the healthcare system, including language barriers, lack of culturally appropriate educational materials, and an overall unfamiliarity with navigating a complex medical system, which leads to later diagnoses and under-utilization of health resources. Here at NAN we are committed to advancing Alzheimer’s care for everyone, so please reach out to your Navigator for help in your journey.

Coping with Family Dynamics
When a loved one is stricken with Alzheimer’s, the dynamics of a family can undergo big changes. As the challenges and responsibilities of caregiving grow deeper, already-existing tensions between some members of a family can increase, particularly if one or more family members feel that they are shouldering a greater part of the burden. Here are a few tips on how to manage family dynamics:

How To Better Communicate
For caregivers, communication is critical to your loved one’s health and wellbeing. It is important that you make sure you have a clear means of passing along information, comfort, and encouragement to your loved one. But you also need to serve as the centerpiece of your loved one’s caregiving universe, gathering and coordinating information from doctors and other healthcare experts, service providers, and others in your loved one’s caregiving “village”.