From the desk of Rosemary Laird, MD
Founder of Navigating Aging Needs (NAN), LLC
There’s No Place Like Home
For our loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the familiarity of home can hold added importance. The routine of daily home activities can bring them a sense of comfort and calm. Here are some tips for helping create a sense of routine.
Managing Day-to-Day
For caregivers, managing day-to-day activities can be burdensome. Here are some strategies that can help make these tasks easier.
The Challenge of Intimacy
It is a bittersweet irony of Alzheimer’s that the more the disease takes away from our loved ones, the more intimacy is required to care for them. As the disease progresses, our loved ones lose more of their independence for even the most basic needs, and require us to step in to help them, often in ways we never had previously.