FAQs about Coronavirus

What is the novel coronavirus/COVID-19?

Novel coronavirus is the virus that causes the coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID-19. This infection is sickening people around the world. Novel coronavirus creates a range of symptoms that are typical of infection such as fever and muscle aches. It often includes upper respiratory symptoms such as runny nose and sore throat as well as breathing problems. In some cases it includes gastrointestinal symptoms or loss of smell and taste. 

There is currently no cure for novel coronavirus, but most patients survive and recover fully. Some individuals seem more susceptible to having a severe case, including the elderly, smokers, people with chronic illness such as hypertension and diabetes, people who have impaired immune systems (someone on chemotherapy, for example).

How does the coronavirus spread?

It is believed the virus is spread mainly in the droplets of air and respiratory secretions of someone who is infected. If they cough, sneeze, or blow their nose, the droplets can be spread to others close by. Being around sick people is the main way you can be infected.

Other modes of transmission are less clear. It is known to last for some amount of time on surfaces that are frequently touched such as dishware, countertops, phones, and doorknobs. Exactly how much transmission this creates isn’t clear.

How can I protect myself from Coronavirus?

There are two major ways to help Stop the spread:

1.     Use soap and Sanitize

Wash your hands! Soap and water are very effective at removing viruses from your hands, but you must wash vigorously for at least 20 seconds, making sure you distribute soap between your fingers, under your nails around your thumbs:

When you do not have soap and water, hand sanitizer made of at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol alcohol will help. Hand sanitizer is in short supply all over country right now, but you can make your own if needed.

2.     Stay Home and Stay Away

Social distancing means staying at least 6 feet away from other people. That means canceling all appointments including with the doctor, dentist, hair stylist, massage therapist and others unless it is absolutely necessary and you are unable to get help over the phone on online. That also means staying home from religious services or social gatherings.

  • Do not allow anyone, family included, closer than 6 feet if they have ANY symptoms of illness.

  • You can, however, get some time outside if you’re careful. A 30-minute walk outdoors alone or 6 feet away from a walking buddy is fine.


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